Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Could Yellow Fever Strike South Portland?

Could Yellow Fever strike South Portland? Would it have the same effect as it had on Philadelphia? Explain in 4-8 sentences.


Jazlin P.4 :) said...

It probably could strike South Portland.But it wont because its to cold.And if it was in South Portland the doctors would have the vaccine for it.I think if we did have it we would be cured better then mother because we have medicine to get better.

Tyler G P:4 said...

I think that yellow fever couldn't strike and will not strike because it has outdated. It only happened in the olden days like all the other books we've read. The sickness hasn't happened in over 60-70 years (for the books we've read). If we suddenly got yellow fever I don't think t would have the same effect because now we have better technology and medicine to help prevent death or serious illness.

Andrew Period 4 said...

I don't think Yellow Fever could get to South Portland for a couple reasons. First, I think that it couldn't because of all the medical advancements that we have, so the medicine would stop it before it spreads. Also, it wouldn't because we have more technology to learn about it and make sure we know how to prevent it. These are some reasons why it is unlikely that Yellow Fever will come to South Portland.

Allie per. 4 said...

No, since this book was historical-fiction, then that means this "fever" isn't real. If it were to hit South Portland, then yes it would have the same effects because all the fevers are named one different then the other because that's what gives them the name of that specific fever.

Kabongo's, Chris, C.K., Yo master, Chris-tean-enne said...

I think that yellow fever could strike SOuth Portland. To elaborate, someone infected could come into town and start spreading to fever. And i think that it wouldn't be like Philadelphia because we have more advanced medicines to get better. To elaborate, we have quite a few hospitals in Maine and they could take care of whoever has it. SO that is how I think South Portland could get yellow fever.

Miranda G period 6 said...

I honestly think it couldn't because it happened in the 1700's, & no one around here has it. Plus it happened in Philadelphia, which is no where close to Maine. There is a possibility it could happen, but it's very unlikely. I don't think it would have the same effect as in Fever, because we have better doctors & technology so we could fix it quicker, then it wouldn't spread around as easily as it did in Fever.

Josh C. said...

Yes.Anytime. It would be like the book. Everyone would be scared out of there mind. Try to leave. Would mark the fever vitiams. Not as many people would died I think. Maybe a couple cause we now have a cure for yellow fever.

Kelby per. 6 said...

I think that it could hit South Portland. I think it could because its basically just a regular fever which most people have had before but everyone was new to it in Philadelphia. They didn't have vaccinations back then so that's why most people got it. I don't think it would have the same effect on us as it did with the people of Philadelphia because we are more healthy and now we know how to take care of ourselves, plus we have shots we can get to help fight off they virus. If it did hit South Portland i think we would be safe from it and it wouldn't as big a dent in the population as it did with Philadelphia.

Hannah B. per.6 said...

Yes Yellow Fever (dun dun dunn!!!!!!) could strike South Portland just like it could strike anywhere. It might not have the same effect that it has on Philaddelphia because this happened in the late 1700 and they were not as advanced as we are today. In this day in age we have medicines and technology to find almost any type of cure. It would kind of be like Swine Flu was like last year. People died,it was a big issue,and people treated it like they would treat Yellow Fever(dun dun dunn!!!!!!),but of course they found a cure for that quickly something they could not do in the late 1700. And those are the reasons why Yellow Fever (dun dun dunn!!!!!!) could hit South Portland.

ahmed suja said...

I think that yellow fever will not strike south portland because their are doctors that are way better. Another reason why it probably won't hit here is because people are more better at finding cures for sick people and so if we got yellow fever it might not have a bigger affect then it did about 60 70 years ago when it all began.

Brian Elsemore Per.6 said...

I think that yellow fever could in fact infect South Portland. It would be very hard and probably never happen but there is still the chance that an infected person comes in and spreads it. The fever would not make it to far though. With all of our technological advancements we would be able to understand the fever much more then the could in 1793. But if it were to strike i don't believe it would have even close to an effect as it did in Philadelphia. First off Philadelphia was a very crowded city and there was not much care about washing hands or cleaning so many people got sick. In South Portland it is strongly recommended you wash you're hands and shower also there is a lot more advertisement about cleaning. Over all there is a lot of difference between Philadelphia and South Portland and there is a small chance the fever strikes in South Portland.

cody townsend said...

It could strike us but would not have the same effect.
Why? Because we have medicine and also we've had yellow fever in this world many times so we could deal with it. Yellow Fever is like a fly nowadays. You swat it away like the common cold.

Maddy P.6 said...

I think it could strike South Portland but i don't think it actually would because Yellow fever happened and was spreading a long time ago. If it hit South Portland, it wouldn't have the same effect because we have better, smarter and more trained doctors that could easily cure the Fever, or at least come up with a medicine to prevent it.

kevin Shema per.1 said...

I think the yellow fever would strike south portland but it won't have the same effect like it did in 1793 for a couple of reasons. First, we get the right treatment for any disease or fever. Second, The fever wouldn't last long because our state has really a cold weather which would diminish the chances of getting a fever. To sum it all up, we chase people out of our house because they are sick or even kill them we bring them to the hospital to get them treated by a well trained doctor.

Kenny Period 4 said...

I think that it is very unlikely that yellow fever will strike South Portland. First of all, we are way past the age of ravaging diseases, and we already have a cure for it. Also, In Maine there aren't as many mosquitoes as in Philadelphia, and the frost comes a lot earlier here. Another reason is that back then they bled people to "cure" them and now we know that that is a stupid thing to do. Finally, South Portland is too cool to have yellow fever come here. So, it really isn't much of a question if yellow fever will come here or not.

Anonymous said...

I do not think yellow fever could strike South Portland. One reason is we have much better cures and medicines than they did in 1793, so we could cure it and stop it much sooner before as many people died. Also, the weather does not get that hot without fluctuation that often. Finally, Philadelphia is a much bigger city and at that time it was the capitol of the United States, so if yellow fever wiped out South Portland, it would not be AS big of a deal.

Camille Ridge per.1 said...

Yellow fever wouldn't be able to strike South Portland because one we just got out of winter so it's to cold to have Mosquitoes. Another reason why it couldn't strike is we can be vaccinated from the disease we also know more about how it spreads. So no yellow fever could not become a epidemic/strike South Portland.