Besides many language arts skills and lessons to be gleamed from A Christmas Carol and It's A Wonderful Life, there are moral lessons to be learned as well. We have talked about what those lessons are, but I want to know if you plan on changing in any way, now that we have witnessed these two morality tales. What are you going to try and do?
Answer in 2-4 sentences.
I am going to try to go out of my way to make someones day. I realized after watching a wonderful life that I should value my life more and instead of feeling stuck because of all the homework I will just kind of let go but at the same time still continue to do all my work.I am also going to keep in my mind even though I may think at times I am worthless i am not.
I will change by always being grateful for. This is because Scrooge and George are really mad and unhappy with their life. Then a visit from a ghost/angel changes their attitude and makes them happy. So, I'm not going to get a visit from a ghost/angel, so I'll just have a positive attitude.
Besides the language arts skills I leaned multiple lessons. First I learned that it's better to give than to get if you follow that i think we can have a way better world. Second I learned that You need to have hope because if You were in a very bad situation You can still solve it in time. To sum it all up, I learned that Christmas is all about having fun with Your family.
I have learned many lessons from It's A Wonderful Life and A Chirstmas Carol. The most important lesson I learned was that I am very important and so is everybody else. Without me here, on Earth, everything that I have come to know would be changed, for better or worse. However,I have learned that it would be more for the worse, so, I am going to cherish every moment I have and never lose hope no matter how bad things get.
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