Using 3-4 vocabulary words, finish the following line with an entertaining paragraph. (4-8 sentences)
It was 2AM, on a cold December night, I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden......
Welcome! This blog is intended to enhance class discussion on current topics being covered in Language Arts class.
It was 2am,on a cold December night,I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden..I heard bells. They weren't just any bells the were..they had to be Santa's.For I had only dreamed of the sounds of them.I never had heard them myself.I crept out of bed,as quietly so I wouldn't wake up my sister in the next bed. As,I walked down the murky hallway trying to not be as frighten.But my excitement corresponded with the giddiness in my skip to the stairs to finally see old Saint Nick. I allegedly thought of everything I had every heard about Saint Nick. I tried to think of what he would look like.But,all I could get was the natural imagery or picture that every other kid got. He was comprised of a white beard,a nice laugh that went ho ho, and he wore a big red suit.I stopped at the middle stair,shaking with a little bit of fear.What if he didn't want to see kids? But,didn't he not give you gifts if you saw him? Well then maybe we could concur? I breathed in and walked down the stairs. What I saw is the worst thing you could ever see!
It was 2AM, on a cold December night, I was asleep in my bed when all of sudden I heard a lethargic sound in my murky. First i though i was just dreaming then I vigilantly turned on the light and took my bat. I opened the closet very wary and found a mottled rat that was harassing my hamster. I reprimanded the rat and threw it outside.
It was 2 AM, on cold winter night, I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden the ground started to shake and then I heard a train coming. I was confused, there were no train tracks near here for miles yet there indeed was a train. The train seemed to congure out of nowhere. The train came to a stop, I got a good look at it and it was mottled.The conductor came out and with a very small and slow voice said " all aboard"! He was very lethargic.
It was 2AM, on a cold December night, I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden......I hear someone foraging around my house .Then i here my fire place turn of in a blink of and eye. So i sleekly go down my stairs and i look around my corner and see three little elfs Jumping on my couch.so i say hey what are you doing here and they didnt say anything.After that they just ran and i looked and looked and never found them again.....
It was 2AM, on a cold December night, I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden...... BAM! BANG! BOOM! I awoke urgently to what I thought were the pans rattling downstairs in my kitchen. I lethargically slopped down the hallway and down the stairs. BAM! BANG! BOOM! There it was again. The silent sleek fish had been awoken in his tank. I heard more sounds as I approached the kitchen but this time, they came from behind me. Whatever this thing was, it had amazing maneuvers. And then, it was all gone......
It was 2AM, on a cold December night, I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden....I fell out of my bed and i was very lethargic so i started crying. But the weird thing was that Mr.Larose was standing right in front of me. So he started talking to me and he allegedly said that i took his money.Later on i Woke up and Mr.Larose and i forage around in the woods luckuly we found some food But their was somebody came in our house and there was a incident that happened i our house. what happened was the person stole all of our clothes in the end Mr. Larose became ilistrious cause he was so fast he chased the person and brang him to jail....
It was 2AM, on a cold December night, I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden a big storm started to happen. but then it settled down then i fell asleep. The next morning i woke up to a hurricane I ran to find the rest of my family But i cant find them where are they i thought to myself. well i look all through the house but i cant find them and it struck me theres a hurricane and i should do something. well i grabed my phone my laptop alot of food i dont have to cook and went down stairs. That was because it was the safest place to be luckly i had a finshed basment so that helped. I tryed to call my mom i heard the phone ring upstairs im like great. i Called my dad he didnt anwser and i didnt hear it ring so i think he has his phone. My brother didn't awser it i heard stuff tearing apart upstairs.I looked at the weather report it looks like its going to be a big storm then i turned my tv on and suprisingly the tv still worked so i watched the news and i watched the storm like that. it said it would be a while before it ended so in a couple of days the storm went out.
I heard a train horn go off. It was loud almost like the train was right outside my house. I knew there were train tracks down the rode near forest Ave. but this sound was right outside my house. I threw my covers off and ran out my bedroom door tiptoeing when i crossed pass my moms room because i know she can sense when I am out of bed. I darted down the stairs and tripped over my sisters basketball.THUD! I made a self note to tell her off in the morning. I got up trying to listen if my mom had woken up but it was hard because my ears were ringing. I decided after awhile she had not heard. I did not have to get up because when the train blurted its second horn i jumped up off the ground. As soon as i got my self together i raced to the front door. It had been to snowy to look out the window so i was forced to slowly peek out the door. The moment i opened the door i was punched by a wall of icy cold air. It took awhile before my eyes could adjust to the darkness but as soon as they did i almost fell through the door. Out side was a huge train. Printed on the side was gold letters making the two words polar express. The horn blared a 3rd time. A man appeared in a doorway. He had a mustache and looked as if he really did not want to be there. He signaled for me to come aboard. i was puzzled. First off there are not train tracks in his front lawn and second how did it get there and what did it want from me. I just stared back at the man he rolled his eyes and got of the train, he walked right up to me and asked one question very fast
"Do you or do you not want to come aboard the polar express?"
I managed to say no.
"Well suite your self"
He walked back to the train and tugged on a cord which made the horn go off. The train huffed and started heading away.began to pick up speed and boom. Gone, almost as fast as it came. I walked back up there stairs into my room not even bothering to sneak past his moms room. By the time his Mom got out of her bed to check what had thumped past her room i was fast asleep.
...... I woke up and the room got very cold. I urgently got out of my bed and rushed down stairs. Something told me to go down there. My feet led me to the living room. I could tell there was someone sitting in the chair even tho they were faced away from me. They turned around. I now knew who it is. He had a red jacket. Sleek black boots tucked into his red pants. He was an illustrious man. He was...SANTA!
I heard a loud banging noise coming from down stairs. I sat up very lethargicly and felt a cold breeze wipe across my face, and wondered what could that be? So I got out of my bed, walked out of my room, and started down the hall villigently. As I walked slowly down the hall I examined our previous Christmas photos. I found that in every photo that I was outside in, was a snowman, but any ordinary snowman. This snowman was the same one in every photo, with a black top hat and a blue scarf with stubby arms. I shivered and walked a little faster towards the front door even more curious. when I reached my living room I found it trashed, Christmas decorations every where, the t.v. smashed, and a water trail. I followed that trail into the kitchen and, found a big sleek puddle with a black top hat and a blue scarf floating on the surface.
The window opens and i get wary.It was just like the book i read and this incident happened too.I get up to close the window but i am to scared so i just lay there vigilantly.Just in case. And then i see something in the window.Then it starts snowing.I finally get up to close the window.I hop back in bed. Then the window opens again and i urgently run to the window to close it again but then I see something that looked like a deer.Not just any deer....a rain deer! It look right at me like it was lethargic. So i tell him to wait at the front door so i could let him in for food and warmth. I closed my window one more time, then I urgently run to the front door. He comes in and tells me his name."Hi, My name is Snow!" then he foraged for food. "Do you have any oats?" I say yeah and i get him some thin i say "You can stay for the night." So Snow did.
The next morning the snow stopped and Snow says he has to go. I ask him if he needs any food for the road.He says yes and then i give him a whole bag of oats."Bye!"Snow yelled.I yell "Bye!" Now every December fifteenth i see Snow. The End!
I was freezing cold! I got up urgently to see what time it was,and found that it was 2:00! I was walking lethargic like and went downstairs, not knowing if it was A.M. or P.M., but it was the first day of vacation. so I got all my gear on I tried to open the door, but it snowed so much, their was 10 feet of snow! like 10 feet of insulation! "That must be why it's so dark out." I said. Then all of a sudden, BANG!! Then randomly, presents came down the chimney."what?" I questioned, "whats up with that?" Next I see this boot,then a leg, then a whole body! "Don't come near me..." I yelled and slowly started to back away. "HO HO HO NO!" "Who are you?" I said. "Don't you recognize me?" He asked. "Well, it's dark and I can't see a thing. So no" "Well," He said, "I'm Santa Claws of course!" "I don't believe you, how do I know your not lying?" I questioned. "You want a Nintendo Wii for Christmas Do you believe me now?" He said. I an "Yup. So whats your problem?" "Well, the snow is so bad, even Rudolph's nose isn't bright enough. Will you help?" "Sure."
We went up to the North Pole, and talked to Snip, the snowflake cutter. "I'm scared to talk to him,he gets mad really easily,so can you,possibly, talk to him for me? It would be greatly appreciated."He asked "Alright." As I was walking up to Snip,I started to get very nervous. "S-S-Snip?" "Snipereno,at your service! What can I do for you today?" Snip said. "Santa and I were wondering if you can, make it, you know, stop snowing?" I asked nervously. "OF COURSE!! Why do you look so nervous?" Snip asked “Santa said you can get mad really easily. Do you?” I asked “Well, when things don’t go my way, you know.” “Yah.” I said.well,see you later, but your work more often.
Santa delivered the presents on time and everybody got what they wanted. Even me. Hope you have A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.
It was 2am,on a cold December night,I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden I heard a thudding sound on the roof. I urgently ran outside. Even though I was moving lethargically I stilled moved fast. I got outside and looked around vigilantly. And as if someone conjured him up, I then found out Mr. LaRose was Santa Claus. "Ho ho homework!" he yelled. I began to ebb. I went and got my homework and showed it to him. "OH NO!!!!!!!!" he screamed, "I cant send you to homework club!!!!!" and suddenly melted away to nothing.
It was 2AM, on a cold December night, I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden..... I saw bright lights outside. I stumbled lethargically down the stairs and into my living room. Then I heard shouting. I followed the noise. I ended up in my backyard in the middle of a huge festival. I walked around and acquired a sombrero and a smoothie. And then, before I even knew it, I was square dancing with a scarecrow. After one dance, I woke up, safe and sound in my bed. What a strange incident!
It was 2AM, on a cold December night, I was asleep in my bed when all of a sudden I heard footsteps over my head. Lethargically, I crept out of bed, grabbed a small blanket and headed down the stairs. As I went outside I could hear a strange laugh and when I slammed the heavy oak front door shut the laugh stopped. I peered up over my roof, but I saw nothing. I walked around the other side of my house and looked up again. There was a strange man on my roof foraging for food. (Our house got egged the other night and we hadn't quite removed the eggs yet) When he saw me he jumped straight up and with his landing almost slipped off the snowy roof. I recognized him to be my uncle Bob. Squinting his right eye, a strange smile on his face and tattered clothes. He recognized me too. He reprimanded me by saying, "Stay in school!". Jumped off the roof, ran into the murky forest screaming, yelling and laughing. I thought to myself, "So that's where he's been for the last three years!"
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