Which Star Wars character would you most want to spend a day with? Why did you choose this character? What would you do? Answer in 3-5 sentences.
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I would want to spend a day with Chewbacca, because he's furry and big and strong to protect me. The way he speaks is funny and awesome. Even though he can't use the force he has the power to even take Yoda down maybe.
I would want to spend a day with Yoda. Because he is wise and could teach me alot, like self confidence and believing in myself. Another reason why i would like to spend time with him because he could also teach me concentration because in class i don't pay attention much and i think he can help me improve in that like he did with Luke.
I would spend time with Obi one because, he is very wise and he would teach me many lessons. Obi one and would tell stories to each other and have a lot of fun. That is why I would spend time with Obi one.
If I had to choose one "Star Wars" character to spend a day with i would pick Luke. I didn't pick Luke for no reason, I chose Luke because he is young like me and he is involved with a lot of action. To start our day, Han Solo would take us on a space ride to see where the Death Star used to be. Next, an Empire ship would fly over and start shooting lasers at us and Luke would try to use the force against them while Han shot them with lasers. After we would blow up their ship and go back home to end my day with Luke.
I would spend the day with Yoda because he is very wise and smart. I think by spending only one day with him, I could learn a lot. If I were spending the day with him, I would want to learn to be a Jedi, even though that would take much more than one day to become a Jedi. Yoda is a very interesting character and I would like to get to know him.
Yoda because he is wise. He also have a lot of respect to others and "Star Wars." He speaks backwards sometimes to Luke. Yoda can see Obi One Kenobi when Luke see's him to.
I would want to spend a day with Han. He is a nice guy and seems like he would be fun to be with. Also, He has a ship that i could take a ride in. I think i would be fun to spend a day with Han.
I would want to spend a day around Yoda. This is because Yoda is wise and gives some life lessons that helped Luke. This would be valuable to anybody because he could make you a better person. Also, Yoda teaches that size does not matter which is also important.
I would like to spend a day with Yoda,because he is wise and knows that you must believe in yourself.Also he shows Luke that it is not your size that matters,it's that you concentrate and give it your best.He teaches Luke that when you give it all you got you will come through and see an improvement.
I would want to spend a day with R2D2 because he does not talk a lot.Also because he's brave and wont be scared to go on rides. We would go to a friend house or something. We also would go out side.
I would want to spend a day with Darth Vader. I know it sounds crazy. Scents every movie has to have a bad guy, I would like to know how to control everything and how to be truly evil. What I would do with Darth Vader is rule the galaxy, if this was real anyway, and ask how he turned from good to bad. I hope that whoever reads this doesn't think I am crazy for liking Darth Vader. Wouldn't you like to know all the stuff he does? Like to rule your own galaxy?
The Star Wars character I would like to spend a day with would have to be Han Solo. I picked him because he always gets into trouble so it would be a journey finding ways out. Also, he rides in a space ship alot which would be fun being in. And also, I'd like to see how he deals with Jabba the Hut. And Han Solo and I would go around the galaxy and try stopping Darth Vadar.
The Star Wars character I would like to spend a day with would have to be Han Solo. I picked him because he always gets into trouble so it would be a journey finding ways out. Also, he rides in a space ship alot which would be fun being in. And also, I'd like to see how he deals with Jabba the Hut. And Han Solo and I would go around the galaxy and try stopping Darth Vadar.
I would most likely want to spend the day with with Luke. I would like to spend the day with him because he seems like A very busy and interesting person. Plus hes very interesting and I think that would be fun and sort of an adrenalin rush in a way.
I would mostly like to spend a day with Princess Leia. I would like to spend a day with her because she is not a monster she is a normal human,those monsters scare me.Also I think I am kinda like her I over act it sometimes, and I am loud(says many in my class including Miranda and Mr. Larose).If I had to spend a day with Princess Leia then she would defenetly come to Earth because I am NEVER going out to her galexy.
Yoda, because he's my favorite character in "Star Wars". We would go out and play manhunt. Then later he would teach me how to use the forces. Then we would have a game to see who's better at using the force. Then at the end of the day he will tell me a story of how he got to use the force.
I would like to spend a day with Yoda because personally I think it would be fun to have a friend that's my size! I would love to spend a day with Yoda because his home planet is a col exotic rain forest and its nice and humid. I would also like to spend a day with a legendary Jedi trainer so he could teach ME the ways of the force!
I would spend a day with Yoda because I think I would learn Alot of life skills and lessons. And help me with some things that i am not good at and teach me to believe in myself. another I would like to spend a day with Yoda is that i can have high self esteem. And last I would want to spend time with him is getting better on is not getting distracted like I do sometimes when I supposed to be listening
If i could spend a day with any Star Wars character it would probably be Princess Liea. I would spend a day with Liea because shes a strong women that doesn't let men dominate and shows that she can be brave to. She also would probably be a fun persont o hang out with because shes confident and not afraid.
I'd want to spend a day with R2D2. He's weird but awesome at the same time! I'd probably try to teach him to speak like a human... any language, really, as long as I can translate it. Or hire someone to translate it. I just can't understand his beeping. That or he'd have to teach me what it means.
I would spend a day with Yoda because he's tiny,green and he's cool. The way he talks is awesome I'd ask him if he always talked like that. Then I'd ask him how cool it is to be a Jedi master. After that I would see how much he likes our planet. Then I'd ask him if I could meet the whole Star Wars Crew. All in all it would be pretty cool.
I would want to spend a day with Luke because it seems like it would be a lot of fun to see what he does everyday. Also I think it would be cool to see were he lives and meet all his friends. It would be really cool to spend a day with him and see all the different things he does everyday.
If I could choose to be any star wars character to be with I would like to be with Yoda because he has a sense of hummor plus if I lived in that world I would want to be a jetta. I also want to have a teacher like him because he is so focused and is like I don't care how long it takes for you to learn to be a jetta the force comes different people. So, if i could spend a day with any star wars character it would be Yoda
I would want to hang out with Yoda. He is wise and the strongest on the force. He can teach me how to use the force. I could be his apprentice. That is why I would want to hang out with Yoda.
If I were to spend a day with a Star Waes character it would be Yoda. First of all, because he has a really cool voice and hes like, some old dude that can do back flips. Second, because he is just plain awesome he looks like a green imp/elf/leprachaun thing. Third, he really knows how to use the force and light sabers he could teach me. Lastly, he would just be fun to hang out with.
I would spend my time with Yoda because he is a Jedi master. Second I would find out all the secrets to becoming a Jedi. Last but least I would try to follow in his foot steps by becoming a Jedi master my self.
From:Hunter Madigan The Purple Panda Group
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