If you were to write the sequel to Crispin, what would be the plot? Your answer should be 4-8 sentences and give a detailed plan for the sequel.
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If I were to write a sequel the plot would be that Bear and Crispin would go around the world and make it so that nobody was anybody's property. hey would make everybody free. they would also go back to Great Wexly.
Crispin would take his place at Lord Furnivals throne. Bear would be his right hand man. Bear would also marry widow and they all will live happily ever after.
I would have Bear get old and catch the plauge and die. That's when Crispin meets a new character named Christine Miney. Christine's mother and father also died, but not for the same reason as Crispin's parents died. Her mother died fighting for freedom in war with soldiers. As for her father who had killed himself before the plauge got to him. Crispin is now about 18 or 19 years old as well as Christine. But when Crispin starts to like her and meet her, bears voice keeps poping in his head, "don't trust her Crispin, shes evil!" He doesn't listen. What will he do? Is she evil or good?
If i wrote a sequel the plot would be that Crispin travels with Bear so John Acliffe wont kill him. But he wants to kill him because he's lord furnivals son. Crispin needs to save Bear and take his place in the place of king. Bear would help him and they will live happily ever after.
If the author wrote a sequel it would be about bear and Crispin enjoying their new freedom. Crispin would know how to read and write, Juggle and sing. He would become rich but later on wants to go back to great wexly to gain his power and get his revenge over John aycliff. But end would be sad Crispin would be murdered.
If I wrote a sequel to Crispin I would have Lady Furnival be the main enemy in the story because she wants to get revenge on Lord Furnival by killing Crispin. I would have Bear get taken away again by gaurds but this time, killed. I would have Crispin be ar least 18 and a really strong-willed boy and he would have masterd the dagger that Bear will give him. Crispin will go and perform more shows for village people and go on to be very rich. He will then kill Lady Furnival and claim the towns for himself.
If I wrote a sequel to Crispin I would have Bear and Crispin run into Lady Furnival. She would capture Bear. Now Crispin is in the same position as last book; rescuing Bear. He meets an old wise priest named Father Johnson. Father Johnson is good at archery and shoots Lady Furnival and rescues Bear. Then it talks about 20 years later how Crispin is running the place in place of his father. He is doing a good job.
If i wrote the sequel to Crispin this would be the plot. 1st Crispin would go on his way with Bear. Then something Happens and Bear dies. After that Crispin relizes he wants to be a king so he can make it better for everything. He meets a boy and the boy helps him show who he is and become the king.
I think that if there was a sequel to Crispin then the plot would be kind of similar but they are enjoying there freedom in Stromford and they are happy to be back together. I would make Lady Furnival be in charge this time instead of Lord Furnival. Then maybe later in the book Bear would catch an illness and die and then Crispin would be on his own for a while and then meet a new friend!
If I were to write a sequel on Crispin it would be some what similar to the book. In Crispin it starts of as his mom died , and then everyone was after him and he met Bear and then he had to give his moms cross away to John Aycliff. If i were to would make a sequel I woud make it more exciting.
If I wrote a sequel to Crispin it would be about him becoming Lord but then he finds out why his mom was really kicked out. Not, because she had Crispin instead she had a husband so when Lord Furnival found out and he knew how important her husband was and how big a war would be so he had to get Crispin and Asta out of town.
If i were to write a sequel I would have Crispin and Bear fight for freedom using Crispin as the secret weapon. Crispin would be the one to have the idea to go back to Great Wexly and fight for freedom. Bear would use his juggling skills to get back in to Great Wexly. There would be undercover meetings like before and John Ball would be involved. in the end, the citizens would all join in Crispin and Bear's protest and fight against Lady furnival.
If i could write Crispin 2, i would have it about, how Crispin becoms the ruler of the world. He has to deal with some problems but him and Bear will soon enough defeat Another antagonist who comes in their way. Her name is Kiley Ball. She is Jonh balls daughter. Her mother was evil so Kiley became evil, even though her father John was not. Crispin can not help but fall in love with her. She has beautiful long blonde hair. Her eyes shine like the moon on a full moon night. Bear is very upset. He knows that everything about her is not good. Even though Bear trusts John Ball... He does not trust Kiley. Bear wanted to know if Crispin could handle fighting crime and being alone and trying to rule a town. So, Bear had left. Crispin goes ahead, and takes advantage of Bear being gone, like students would do if the teacher was out sick that day. Crispin married Kiley... Bear did not come back for sometime. But one day, Bear was back and discovered all the changes that has happened to the town.
Then that would be the end of the second book!
If there was a Crispin sequel the main event would be bear dieing and finding a new master. Also i think the person should be a good friend of John Acyiffe.Then Crispin would find out and try to run away from him. He would run back to his old village and notice that it is all distroyed like the village were he met Bear!Crispin would notice the plauge came and that every one died of it. Then I think he should go into the church and find a chest of his mothers stuff one thing being a bag of pictures and old paintings. Some of the paintings and pictures are of him his father and his mother all together as a family. I think after seeing them Crispin should shout in anger something about his father and who he is. After he shouts that a person the only person who did not die from the plauge shoud hear it and run off and tell everyone!!! Then Crispin has to stop him from telling all of europe
If I made a sequel, Bear would become rich, & leave Crispin. Then Crispin would rome the streets & find a new city called, Shlawmford & that's where are the nobody's live & they also have no one. Crispin meets a girl named Penelope & she is a fabulous singer. So they fall in love & Crispin plays the recorder, & Penelope sings. They make a bunch of money & become rich. Then they move out of SHlawmford & move in to a fancy neighbor hood with great people, & as they get older they get married & have kids (a boy & girl) named Jeremy & Rose. Crispin becomes a huntergatherer & Penelope sits home & knits. Jeremy & Rose love their life, & live happily ever after.
If I were to write a sequel the crispin and bear killed john Aycliffe and they were enjoying there freedom and nobody bothered them Until a wise guy came to crispin and told him you are now the king and Concured Great Wexly In the end Bear gets really sick and dies so then Crispin meets a new character named johnny mitchell and this person is really wise but strict and that smy great story.
If there was a sequel to Crispin the plot would be about. Crispin and Bear going to a place without master,ruler or lords.Then on the way there they will make friends with some people like them. At night hunters would come in and try to kill Crispin but kill one of Crispin's friend instead of Crispin.Later Bear,Crispin and Crispin's friend got a ship and are going to sail to a free land were they can be free.When they were sailing pirates got on the ship and kidnap Bear. Crispin and his friend go and rescue Bear but when they did Bear was hurt like the time in Great Wexly. Then at night Bear dies in his sleep.
If I were to write a sequel to Crispin, Crispin would take his rightful place on the throne. Then Bear would probably be murdered trying to save Crispin. Next Crispin kills the guy that murders bear out of his anger, only to discover that it was John Aclyffe
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